- By Jeff Evensen
Sometimes when God shows us how He works in our lives, we can anchor our perspective or actions or approach in that experience. Actually, it’s not uncommon, and entire doctrines or even church movements have been birthed out this. It can be seen in some formulas that have arisen in the church. I see it most often in prayers. Someone prayed for healing and God answered! So we tend to start searching for and repeating the words or phrases used like they are the magic formula that God responded to before. In the many prayer meetings I’ve sat in, I often hear the same catch phrases repeated (yes, I’ve done the same thing hoping that I’ve got it right). But how is that relationship? Its really no
- By Jeff Evensen
Intimacy and the end-time Church, a deepening relationship with Jesus so amazing now, but extremely important in the time leading up to his return. How important is our relationship when it comes to the time of Jesus' return? Intimacy and the end-time Church is about Knowing Jesus and how important this is for the church in the days of His return. Knowing Jesus is more than just praying some prayers and memorizing some facts. Knowing Jesus is developing that relationship for which you were created.
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