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The Return of Jesus Worship PrayerWorship & Prayer are important to the Return of Jesus. From eternity, the Triune God has always governed by agreement. The Father making the plans, the Son speaking out the plans and the Holy Spirit acting upon the plans. We see this in the creation narrative in Genesis 1. We also see this in Psalm 2 when the Father states his plans for His son, and instructs Jesus to ask for what the Father has already promised. The Son then declares what the Father says and the Psalm ends with the admonition by the Holy Spirit to submit to the Son in worship for He is the King.

Revelation 1:6 tells us that Jesus made us a kingdom, priests to His Father. Peter, too, said that the Church is the royal priesthood. As priests, we are to take our position in agreement with the Father, Son and Holy Spirt asking for those things that God wants to accomplish on the earth. But we are not only priests, we are also the Bride called forth by the Father.

A number of years ago, while in a time of sweet worship, I was meditating on Ephesians 2.  When I read the verse about being seated in the heavenly places with Christ, I began to see the following imagery of the throne room of God. The Father was seated on His throne and to His right, Jesus was seated on His throne.  But on the throne with Jesus, I saw the Bride leaning upon His chest, listening to His heart beat.  Then the Bride lifted her eyes to the Father and asked Him for what she heard from the heart of Jesus.  The Father smiled and looking at Jesus, nodding His assent to her prayer.  Jesus then opened his mouth and the breathe of God (the Holy Spirit) filled the atmosphere, executing on His desire.  Angels were dispatched; Heaven and earth were moved in agreement with their combined desires and the will of God was executed.  Yes, we were redeemed to sit with Jesus in the heavenly places now. Seating with Him on his throne, interceding in partnership with Him.

As we are quickly nearing the times written in the scripture concerning the return of Jesus, it is essential that the Church learn to step into that place of agreement with His plans and purposes for all that occurs preceding His glorious return.  This agreement arises as we set our hearts to love Him with our whole being, seeking to know his heart in all that He has declared concerning that time frame. If we do not know comprehend His ways in those days, we stand at great risk of being among those become offended at Him, and hardening our hearts against Him. 

The worship and prayer movement at the end of the age is orchestrated by the Holy Spirit to bring the Church into a place of Bridal unity with Him. As we press in to His presence in worship, declaring who He is and that He ways are perfect, our hearts are drawn into His and the Holy Spirit reveals the why’s and emotions behind His plans. From this place with hearts united with His, we can then join in the government of God by agreeing with what He wants to do.  The book of Revelation becomes the prayer manual for governing with Him. As we watch events unfold, we can know what is happening next and begin to agree with Him, partnering with the Father to see His plans for His Son unfold.

This is place where the end-time Church must find her place.  The perfect Bridal partner in the government of God. Joining the Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit in complete unity.  Ultimately crying out in full agreement with Holy Spirit, the Bride worldwide will declare, “Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!”

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